6 Week Strength Training Plans 

These 6 week plans are great for runners who may have an existing running routine, but want to add in runner-specific strength training workouts, and mobility, each week.  

Each week you have: 

  • 2 strength training sessions per week (30-50 mins each): Focused on unilateral movements, plyometrics, stability, core work, and power exercises tailored for runners.

  • 1 mobility day per week (15-30 mins): Dedicated to enhancing hip joint strength, adductor flexibility, thoracic spine mobility, hamstring flexibility, IT band and knee pain prevention, and ankle strength.

Equipment needed:

Beginners: 10-35lb kettlebell, optional dumbbell, mini resistance band, bench or box, and a mat.

Intermediate: 10-44lb kettlebell, optional dumbbell, mini resistance band, bench or box, and a mat.

Advanced: Barbell, weights, 10-44lb kettlebell, optional dumbbell, mini resistance band, bench or box, and a mat.

Start Your Journey.

It's not just a workout program; it’s a lifestyle and mindset change. Let us help you get your journey started with a free month on us!

We can’t wait to help you get going. Be sure to explore all of our options, and don’t shy away from asking questions. We love to help our clients find the right fit.